How Does Thermopile Sensors Applicate in Non-Contact Infrared Thermometers?


What is infrared thermopile sensors?

A thermopile sensor can measure temperature at a certain distance by detecting the infrared (IR) energy of an object. The higher the temperature, the more infrared energy contained. The thermopile sensing element consists of some small thermocouples on the silicon chip, which can absorb energy and generate output signals. The reference sensor is used as the compensation benchmark in the package. Thermopile Infrared (IR) Non-contact Temperature Measurement Sensor with various lenses and filters can be used in a variety of applications from pyrometers to climate control and medical devices. Yateks YTP-538 thermopile sensor provides reliable non-contact temperature measurement solution.

How does thermopile sensors applicate in the non-contact infrared thermometers?

The sudden outbreak of Coronavirus  has brought negative effects to the growth of several industrial chains around the world. But the epidemic has also made the usual demand for stable epidemic prevention materials—–thermopile sensors suddenly become a tight commodity.

The sudden outbreak of Coronavirus  has brought negative effects to the growth of several industrial chains around the world. But the epidemic has also made the usual demand for stable epidemic prevention materials—–thermopile sensors suddenly become a tight commodity.

Thermopile sensor is a thermoluminescence infrared sensor, which is mainly composed of thermocouple. It is mainly used in the fields of ear thermometer, radiation thermometer, electric oven, microwave oven, food temperature detection and so on. It has been widely used as a temperature detection device. The application of infrared thermopile sensor in non-contact thermometers is introduced as following:

A high-precision thermistor is used to measure the ambient temperature of the thermopile, and then the measured temperature is calculated by the CPU. Some standard temperature conditions can be written in advance in the EEPROM, such as the output voltage measured at an ambient temperature of 25℃,and measured object temperature of 37 ℃, the output voltage, the bias of the operational amplifier and the discreteness of the gain can also be modified by software.

There is a relationship between the temperature of the object being measured and the ambient temperature of the thermopile sensor as following:

Vout= A(Tb4-Ts4)
Vout is the output volutate of thermopile (V)

A is persentage factor

Tbis the temperature of measured object (K)



Therefore, the temperature of the measured object can be obtained by measuring the output voltage of the thermopile and the absolute temperature of the environment in which the thermopile is located, and get it through the operation.


Structure and working principles

The absorption film irradiated by infrared rays is a thin film with small heat capacity and easy temperature rise. It’s cavity structure at the uderpart of cleading, this structure ensures the temperature difference between the cold end and the temperature measuring end. Thermocouples are composed of polysilicon and aluminum, which are connected in series. when the temperature at the temperature measuring end of each thermocouple rises, hermoelectromotive force (Vn) will be generated between the thermocouples , so the sum of their voltages can be obtained at the output end.

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