Yateks automotive endoscope used for carbonization of engine

Yateks automotive borescope used for carbonization of engine

Release Date: 2016-3-30

Views: 158

Drivers know that after 2 to 3 years’ running, engines may be hard to start, shaking, flameout, power lowering. In fact, most engine problems caused by carbonization.

To inspect the piston and spark plug carbon

Carbonization means the carbon and vinyl materials accumulated at intake valve, exhaust valve, air inlet, combustor, fuel spray nozzle and etc.. Carbonization will cause engine knocking. So it is very important to clear carbonization.

In this case, how to make sure the place of carbonization when processing fixing? Endoscope is a most convenient and easy way. A 4S store used Yateks automotive endoscope to examine customers’ cars and won effective results. Below pictures are from one 2 and half years’ running engine carbonization examination taking by Yateks endoscope.



According to above pictures, 4S store confirmed the place of carbonization and cleared it rapidly to avoid of heavy reapair. After cleaning, engine works smoothly and satisfied customer.


Yateks B-series portable automotive borescope is not only used for engine examination, it also could be used for three-way catalytic block. When three-way catalytic problem occurs, fuel consumption raising and formed air pollution. So that cars can not pass the vehicle review.


B-series Portable Automotive Borescope

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